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TDD (Test Driven Development) is cool!
It makes sure we develop the right thing, step by step
Short version
flowchart TB start([Start]) ==> red([Write only 1 failing test]) ==> green([Make all tests pass]) ==> refactor([Refactor]) ==> finish([Finish]) refactor -.->|Incomplete ?| red classDef red_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:coral; class red red_phase classDef green_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#1cba1c; class green green_phase classDef refactor_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#668cff; class refactor refactor_phase
Long version
flowchart TB subgraph red[Red] direction LR fix_layout(( )) ==> write_a_test write_a_test[Write only 1 failing test] ==> run_tests{{Run tests}} run_tests -.->|Pass\nWrite another test| write_a_test end start([Start]) === fix_layout run_tests ==>|Fail| green([Green]) classDef red_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:coral; class red red_phase classDef green_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#1cba1c; class green green_phase classDef refactor_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#668cff; class refactor refactor_phase classDef fix_layout stroke:white,fill:transparent; class fix_layout fix_layout
flowchart TB subgraph green[Green] direction LR fix_layout(( )) ==> write_the_minimum_code write_the_minimum_code[Write the minimum code\nto make all tests pass] ==> run_tests{{Run tests}} run_tests -.->|Fail\nTry something else| write_the_minimum_code end red([Red]) === fix_layout run_tests ==>|Pass| refactor([Refactor]) classDef red_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:coral; class red red_phase classDef green_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#1cba1c; class green green_phase classDef refactor_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#668cff; class refactor refactor_phase classDef fix_layout stroke:white,fill:transparent; class fix_layout fix_layout
flowchart TB subgraph refactor[Refactor] direction LR rewrite_code[Rewrite code\nwithout changing the behavior] ==> run_tests{{Run tests}} -.->|Pass\nAnother things to refactor ?| rewrite_code run_tests -->|Fail\nChange something else| rewrite_code end green([Green]) ==> rewrite_code run_tests ==>|Pass| finish([Finish]) run_tests -.->|Pass\nAnother feature to add ?| red([Red]) classDef red_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:coral; class red red_phase classDef green_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#1cba1c; class green green_phase classDef refactor_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#668cff; class refactor refactor_phase classDef fix_layout stroke:white,fill:transparent; class fix_layout fix_layout
TCR (test && commit || revert
) is cool!
It encourages doing baby steps, reducing the waste when we are wrong
flowchart TB gamble{{Gambling on test results}} gamble ==>|Pass| commit(Commit) gamble -->|Fail| revert(Revert)
flowchart TB start([Start]) ==> green([Change some code]) ==> finish([Finish]) green -.->|Incomplete ?| green classDef green_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#1cba1c; class green green_phase
But it doesn't allow us to see the tests failing
Maybe we test nothing (assert forgotten)
def test_should_be_Buzz_given_5(): input = 5 actual = fizz_buzz(input) # Oops! Assert has been forgotten
Maybe we are testing something that is not the thing we should be testing
it("should be Fizz given 3", () => { const input = 3; const actual = fizzBuzz(input); expect(input).toBe("Fizz"); // Oops! Asserts on the input value instead of the actual value });
Detailed view
flowchart TB subgraph green[Green] direction TB start([Start]) ==> change_code[Change some code] ==> run_tests{{"Run tests\n<code>test && commit || revert</code>"}} ==>|Pass| commit(Commit) ==> finish([Finish]) commit -->|Another things to change ?| change_code run_tests -.->|Fail| revert(Revert) -.->|Try something else| change_code end classDef green_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#1cba1c; class green green_phase
TCRDD blends the constraints of the two methods to benefit from their advantages
flowchart TB red{{Write only 1 failing test}} green{{Make all tests pass}} refactor{{Refactor}} red ==>|Fail| red_commit(Commit) ==> green green ==>|Pass| green_commit(Commit) ==> refactor refactor ==>|Pass| refactor_commit(Commit) red -->|Pass| red_revert(Revert) --> red green -->|Fail| green_revert(Revert) --> green refactor -->|Fail| refactor_revert(Revert) --> refactor classDef red_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:coral; class red red_phase classDef green_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#1cba1c; class green green_phase classDef refactor_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#668cff; class refactor refactor_phase
flowchart TB subgraph red[Red] direction LR fix_layout(( )) ==> write_a_test write_a_test[Write only 1 test] ==> gamble[/Gamble that the test fail\n<code>git gamble --red</code>/] ==> run_tests{{Actually run tests}} ==>|Fail| commit(Commit) run_tests -->|Pass| revert(Revert) -->|Write another test| write_a_test end start([Start]) ==> fix_layout commit ==> green([Green]) classDef red_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:coral; class red red_phase classDef green_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#1cba1c; class green green_phase classDef refactor_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#668cff; class refactor refactor_phase classDef fix_layout stroke:white,fill:transparent; class fix_layout fix_layout
flowchart TB subgraph green[Green] direction LR fix_layout(( )) ==> write_the_minimum_code write_the_minimum_code[Write the minimum code] ==> gamble[/Gamble that the tests pass\n<code>git gamble --green</code>/] ==> run_tests{{Actually run tests}} ==>|Pass| commit(Commit) run_tests -->|Fail| revert(Revert) -->|Try something else| write_the_minimum_code end red([Red]) ==> fix_layout commit ==> refactor([Refactor]) classDef red_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:coral; class red red_phase classDef green_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#1cba1c; class green green_phase classDef refactor_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#668cff; class refactor refactor_phase classDef fix_layout stroke:white,fill:transparent; class fix_layout fix_layout
flowchart TB subgraph refactor[Refactor] direction LR rewrite_code[Rewrite code\nwithout changing the behavior] ==> gamble[/Gamble that the tests pass\n<code>git gamble --refactor</code>/] ==> run_tests{{Actually run tests}} ==>|Pass| commit(Commit) -.->|Another things to refactor ?| rewrite_code run_tests -->|Fail| revert(Revert) -->|Change something else| rewrite_code end green([Green]) ==> rewrite_code commit ==> finish([Finish]) commit -.->|Another feature to add ?| red([Red]) classDef red_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:coral; class red red_phase classDef green_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#1cba1c; class green green_phase classDef refactor_phase font-weight:bold,color:black,fill:#668cff; class refactor refactor_phase classDef fix_layout stroke:white,fill:transparent; class fix_layout fix_layout
is a tool that helps to use the TCRDD method