
GitLab stars

git-time-keeper is a tool that helps to take baby steps 👶🦶


With git-gamble

# git config --local core.hooksPath ./hooks # if you want to versionate hooks
HOOKS_PATH=$(git rev-parse --git-path hooks)
mkdir -p "$HOOKS_PATH"
echo "git-time-keeper 'stop'" >>"$HOOKS_PATH/pre-gamble"
echo "git-time-keeper 'start' 'git-gamble --pass'" >>"$HOOKS_PATH/post-gamble"
chmod +x "$HOOKS_PATH"/{pre,post}-gamble

With git

Without git-gamble

# git config --local core.hooksPath ./hooks # if you want to versionate hooks
HOOKS_PATH=$(git rev-parse --git-path hooks)
mkdir -p "$HOOKS_PATH"
echo "git-time-keeper 'stop'" >>"$HOOKS_PATH/pre-commit"
echo "git-time-keeper 'start'" >>"$HOOKS_PATH/post-commit"
chmod +x "$HOOKS_PATH"/{pre,post}-commit

Set iteration duration

export TIME_KEEPER_MAXIMUM_ITERATION_DURATION=$((3 * 60)) # 3 minutes

How to use ?

When being on time

    actor Dev
    participant git
    participant hooks
    participant git-time-keeper

    Dev->>git: git commit
    git->>hooks: git hook run pre-commit
    hooks-xgit-time-keeper: git time-keeper stop
    git->>hooks: git hook run post-commit
    hooks-)+git-time-keeper: git time-keeper start

    Dev->>git: git commit
    git->>hooks: git hook run pre-commit
    hooks-)git-time-keeper: git time-keeper stop
    git-time-keeper-->-hooks: timer stopped
    git->>hooks: git hook run post-commit
    hooks-xgit-time-keeper: git time-keeper start

When the countdown is missed

    actor Dev
    participant git
    participant hooks
    participant git-time-keeper

    Dev->>git: git commit
    git->>hooks: git hook run pre-commit
    hooks-xgit-time-keeper: git time-keeper stop
    git->>hooks: git hook run post-commit
    hooks-)+git-time-keeper: git time-keeper start
    git-time-keeper-)git-time-keeper: time limit passed
    git-time-keeper-)-git: git restore .

To see all available flags and options

git-time-keeper --help # dash between `git` and `time-keeper` is only needed for --help


git-time-keeper --help

Usage: git-time-keeper [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help                               Print help
  -V, --version                            Print version

Any contributions (feedback, bug report, merge request ...) are welcome

Possible states

    state "Timer is running" as running
    state "git restore ." as clean

    [*] --> running : start
    running --> [*] : stop
    running --> clean : time limit passed
    clean --> [*]

    running --> running : start
    [*] --> [*] : stop


Unix compatible only (Linux / Mac OS X) : need sh and kill